On Sundays
at 10:45am Morning Worship
(see "services" page for more details.)
During Term time
On Mondays
At 9:15am there is the Pre-school group
The 26th Brownies meet in the evening
On Tuesdays
At 9:15am there is the Pre-school group
On Wednesdays
At 9:15am there is the Pre-school group
In the evening there is a Rainbow Guides Group as well as the 37th Brownies
On Thursdays
At 9am there is the Pre-school group
In the evening there is Boys’ Brigade, first Anchor Boys (from a boys 5th birthday to end of School Year 3), then Junior Section (for School Years 4, 5 & 6) followed by the BBs Company Section (for School Years 7+)
On Fridays
At 9:15am there is the Pre-school group
On Saturdays
The next Coffee Morning is 9th Septemer at 10:30am, a time for fellowship and refreshments
Please note that the children’s and young people’s activities do not normally take place during school holidays.
On a Thursday morning, during school holidays, we run 'Fun Finders'. This is 2 hours of crafts, jigsaws, games, stories, music and worship for all ages. Check other pages for dates and times.
For more details of any of these activities, contact in the first instance, Peter Shears on (0117) 373 1849
The purpose of Kingswood Methodist Church is to respond to God's Love in Christ and to live out that love in God's world.